Having a little fun with the
lil doubleheader and Kenneth pretending to be a

Having a lazy day. I had a doctor's appointment today. I didn't make the appointment for a Saturday--I mean, really, who would? But they cancelled my original one and he didn't feel right making some of us wait longer for appointments so opened up today for appointments. I ended up finally getting my flu shots--both of them--and now feel a bit crappy. Flu shots tend to have that effect on me, but it still is better than having the flu. I watched several episodes of "Fringe" that I had
DVRed, made a
boboli pizza with pepperoni and smoked
mozzarella which was OK, but I think next time I'll mix the smoked with regular
I did my daily photo shoot with the boys and think maybe some reading or a nap is in order. Or maybe reading until I fall into a stupor. That very well may happen...