Despite still feeling icky today, Butch got me out of the house with the horse bribe. (He went for the free donuts.) Every year the George Junior Republic (or the William George Agency as they call themselves now) has an open house at their facility. I just go to look at the horses. They aren't the best in the world, but it's a great program for the kids and I can't think of a better way to help some trouble youth by having them work in the barn. Really.

All of the kids we saw were quiet and polite and all looked like they knew what they were doing. One of them just beamed when he was given a compliment by the director, who gave us a great tour. I felt kind of bad that we were just sightseeing, because he took a lot of time to talk to us. I guess he has only been there for about a year, having come from Colorado to run the program here.
The rest of the day, so far has been quiet. Casper napped on the couch while I watched a movie. Butch has gone off to play with the
grandkids. I figured I had better stay home because of the tummy bug.