This is what a clematis looks like after the petals fall off.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
We have a very determined squirrel. We call him Tin-Snips because he is chewing up the squirrel baffle on our feeder.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
171/365 another interesting garden visitor
I was pulling weeds and saw this moth. Wish I knew what it is.
bonus pic today
I really don't like slugs, or what they do to my hostas, but I do find them sort of fascinating and great photo subjects. (You don't have to worry about them darting out of the frame. LOL) This one ha[[ened to be on a rather nicely colored leaf.
I stayed overnight at the farm and came outside to leave just as the sun came enough up to flood the pasture with sunlight. Maddie heard me and came over to say goodbye. The paddock was still in the shadows.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The remains of Friday's meal. An empty pizza box, a pile of bones and and almost empty bottle of wine with a funny name. The week was brutal because we were shorthanded at work with two people on vacation and a team of bean counters in to observe. I had to pick up a few pieces that I really didn't want to and consequently had a rough, tiring week and finally just said "no more" on Friday and did my best, but took care of my own duties first instead of trying to cram them into a smaller time slot later in the morning. The bean counters had very nice things to say about me, both to my face and to my boss and the PM.
Then my boss asked me to change my nonscheduled day from Saturday to Monday becasue she needed me on Saturday. Not my problem that they don't have people trained for the myriad of jobs I cover. I was TIRED. My boss was not there on Friday (she had two days off to play golf this week...)so she called in and told the interim boss that she was going to have to "force people". The PM happened to be walking by and I called him over and told him what was going on and that I did not want to be forced in, that if they needed people there were plenty of people junior to me (5 to be exact) that should be brought in first. He agreed. Once they worked it out, he came back to tell me and asked me why she would force me, as a senior employee, anyway. It's because I can do almost every job in there. "So she can use you and abuse you?" he asked. Yup. Nice reward for the good job I did all week.
So that is why there was no commentary this week and why there was eating with fingers and drinking of wine for dinner last night. It put the week to REST.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
164/365 The face of a happy horse
This is what happens when you find the best place to scratch...This is Draco, my friend Karen's new horse and he is a love. Now I know why he came right to her in the pasture, she knows how to make him goofy with happiness. I think she is going to have fun with him.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I was at my neighbors house and spotted this poppy and couldn't resist snapping a picture of the inside of it.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Feeling a little blue today. I just got back from calling hours for my uncle. He was my dad's youngest brother and he was always a part of our family celebrations in the past several years because his own kids lived out of state. It was nice to have someone from that generation at all of our holiday meals, even if it couldn't be our own parents. Losing him makes me feel like I lost the last real connection to my dad and it's hard, like losing two of them at once, or losing dad all over again. Even Casper feels somber.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
160/365 Qs
There is always a dearth of qs. Take a moment whenever you see alphabetical things for sale in the store. Notepads, napkins, mugs, pencils, No Qs. It is SO frustrating for a person whose last name starts with a Q. My girlfriend found 4 of the silver Qs in a sale bin and bought all of them for me. LOL The backwards Q is an old printers Q. You can recognize me in a store--I am the person mumbling about the fact that there IS a letter in the alphabet between P and R. LOL
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
157/365 Mis-BEE-havin' again
I found this cute little tea-light holder at the grocery store. It is my favorite shade of yellow and has a bee on it. (My knickname for Butch.)
The clouds were just amazing on Saturday. Some of them were dark and threatening and we ran into thunder and lightning and downpours, but most of the day it looked like this.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
154/365 Deer
For once I didn't mind being at a stop light. I was on my way home from the farm when I spotted two deer in this hayfield. I grabbed my camera and just took a shot before the light changed. I wasn't able to get both deer, but felt lucky to even get the shot off from the car. LOL!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
My favorite hosta
I will never understand someone who says they hate hostas. They never met "Great Expectations" (seen here) or little tiny "Pandora's Box" or the positively glowing "Sun Fire"
I decided I needed a change of pace on our sun porch. The trim had been painted a lovely pumpkin color and the rug had shades of green, orange, and yellow. Butch just finished painting the windows white. (Three coats to cover the orange!) and the back wall is a pale, pale lime green instead of white. On a bright day you almost can't tell it has any color. The part below the windows is paneling and so is the ceiling, so it is a natural wood color. The door and bookcase are going to be painted blue. With the exception of the lime green, we have used up leftover paints from other projects. When it's done, I'll take a picture.
More garden shots. I worked like a fiend over the weekend, mulching, weeding and clearing the paths. I pull weeds by hand, although I'm not totally averse to using Round-up on the stone path, I usually don't unless it gets out of hand. I also did some plant shopping and got 10 new hostas at Tobeytown for--most of them are just $5. so it's hard to pass up. I saw one of the ones I bought in an on-line store for $20.!!