I came home from work and Butch said, "You have to see this" and took me back outside and showed me this long, meandering path through the myrtle. A turtle did it. He saw the turtle in the driveway and looked for it again a while later and never saw where it went. (He made sure it wasn't in or near the road.) It really looks like he ate his way through the myrtle, not just flattened it. It was pretty neat, but I wish I had seen the turtle myself. A turtle in the myrtle. Dr. Suess's Yertle perhaps?

Saturday, September 25, 2010
264/365 Crayons?
Yes crayons. When I started doing the photo groups on flickr, several people from the "one object" group were also doing the "Sixty Four Colors" group and I kept seeing their pictures and thinking what a cool thing, but didn't want to join another one because the 365's were enough of an obligation. But every week there would be more and more fantastic pictures. Then Marti joined and sent me the link to the orange pix and I hemmed and hawed and ended up getting a box of crayons which meant I was joining yet another group. But the two 365 groups are almost in their last quarter. I don't think I will do a project involving daily pix again, I like the groups like the scavenger hunt, that sets no time limit, or the 64 group because it is a weekly obligation. I have loved doing the 365, but there are those days when you are scrambling to get the "11 o'clock photo".
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
We went for a walk by the pond today and kept seeing this large rust colored flying object buzzing around. I thought it was probably a dragonfly of some sort but it was quick and reddish and I've never seen one quite that color. It finally landed where I could get a good picture of it and it was beautiful. I think I am going to have to add a dragonfly book and a fungus book to my library of field guides. (I just bought a butterfly one on vacation.)
Casper making herself at home at the farm. She loves the big ottoman. And the sofa. And the futon...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sunrise in West Virginia. Taken out of the window of the car going 70 mph down the interstate. It is my favorite time of day.
There was an alien siting here years ago
This is the sign around town for the festival. The green monster appears to be wearing a dress...
There was an alien siting here years ago
The locals play it up big with a festival on Labor Day weekend.
After dinner with Joe
Joe was Dad's best friend on the ship. We adore him and always go to see him in WV. (I had a goofy look on my face because I was trying to get the restaurant owner, who was taking the picture, to get closer to us. I think he just wanted to get the restaurant in the photo. LOL)
255/365 Bridge
I hate bridges, but am working on that. I liked the structure of this one. That is the truck carrying the bell.
Our WWII Sailors thank the Marines--or one Marine in particular.
There has always been a rivalry between the Navy and the Marines. When my nephew, Michael, who is a Marine (he isn't in the service now, but you are never an ex-Marine) loaned us his truck and helped to load the bell for the trip, he asked us to remind the sailors that "the Marines carried them this time". The sailor's were very grateful.
a work of art
I needed a work of art for my photographic scavenger hunt and this large statue outside of the Eiteljorg Museum in Indy was perfect.
253/365 In the trunk of the mastadon
After lunch in downtown Indy, a couple of us took off to visit the canal area. Outside the Indiana State Museum are these huge Mastodon statues. It seemed like the perfect place for a Diesel & Feezle pic.
We got the bell safely off of the truck and set up in the hospitality room. It was an adventure. We roped a couple of construction workers, one of whom had to have been about 6'8" into helping us. They seemed to have a good time and we were grateful for the extra hands.
Tiger Swallowtail
One of the butterflies I have known the name of since childhood, only I don't remember who told me. The underside of the wings.
Common Buckeye
This butterfly was beautiful and there were several of them I finally managed to get two pictures of them that showed their beautiful colors. (I'm partial to this particular shade of orange.)
Monday, September 6, 2010
The property we are on is on top of a bluff. I am afraid of heights so it's a disconcerting for me to be up there that close to the edge. It is still a long down from what you can see in this photo. But we go over and sit and just watch--the clouds, the birds, the ships. I was lucky enough to see a juvenile Bald Eagle this morning.
This ship was anchored off shore all day. We can only assume that it was due to the choppy water and gale force winds. The next morning we saw it in the harbor when we went into town.
Sunday, September 5, 2010

We have a trail leading down to the water, but Butch opted to stay at the top while I went down a trail more sutiable for mountain goats. Thank goodness they had a rope strung between the trees!

But it was worth it when I got to the bottom!

If your are interested in seeing more, there are several more on my flickr page...
Ashtabula harbor
I am standing right next to the Coast Guard station in Ashtabula Harbor. Lake Erie was really angry today with gale force winds, leaving local newscasters to say it looked more like the ocean than a lake. It did.
Drawbridge--day one
This is the drawbridge as it is being raised in the air, you can see the road surface.
246/365 Seriously?
People think the Postal Service is wasteful. Nosiree! This sign is hanging in the Postmaster's bathroom. I think the point of the sign was to drive home the point that you can't be a cheapskate and scrimp on the necessities, like paper towels. It went over his head I think. (Personally I wish all the bathrooms had air dryers, I think the use of paper towels is a huge waste anyway. But is sucks when we constantly run out.)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Casper's nighttime treats. Two Wet Noses Organic dog treats and her joint supplement. She has been on it for about three weeks and we are giving her an extra one for the first month to load up, so it goes as a bedtime snack.
I think this is a Chicken of the Woods mushrom, Laetiporus sulphureus. If I'm right it doesn't bode well for this tree. The site I used to identify it says that it is a heart rot mushroom so if it is on the tree, the "chickens have indeed gone home to roost" and it means the end of the tree. It is a pretty cool fungus and rather large, and on a neighbors tree, not one of mine.
On Saturday we went to the local Celtic Fest and watched the weight throwing competition. It was pretty interesting to watch these beefy guys (mostly) and a couple of gals do this event. They pick up the weight. which has a ring attached to a chain for a handle. Then they swing it back and forth, some people swing it to the back then to the front and repeat. Then they spin around three times, building up centrifigul force and release the weight. The release is accompanied by a loud yell. I guess it's like grunting in tennis....The weights are various sizes, this one was 20 pounds, and earlier they used 28. This young redhead was walking over to the throwing area carrying the weight.
This little angel was a gift from my cousin Linda and is very special to me since Kimmy picked it out.