I asked for my wine in the horse collar glass. Butch used one of the smaller ones. It's an optical illusion that I had more in my glass. Really.

Thursday, February 24, 2011
50/365 my birthday gift from Butch
A little early. I'm not totally sure I can give up paper books, but I suppose it will save a few trees...
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
44/365 Warning!! Too many puzzle pieces!
I decided to try a really hard puzzle. I'm regretting it already.
43/365 Warning!! Extinction happens!
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has this large sculpture of an Ivory Billed Woodpecker, with other extinct birds written on the binoculars.
13/50 40/365 Warning! Chick Lit!
I killed two birds with one photo here. The 40th in the B9 series and the 13 book of the 50 book challenge.
Casper quite often wants to join me when I am on the computer. She will struggle to get up into one of the dining room chairs and I will slide it over so that she is next to me. This is her half asleep/ half interested in what I am doing look, right before she slides down and curls into a ball.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
34/365 10 things about me (Besides that I hate having my picture taken...)
1. My husband knows that in case of a disaster, I would probably save the dog first, and he's OK with that. LOL
2. The most fun I had in my life, I think ever, was living at the fair and doing exhibitions with the Clydesdales.
3. I'm envious of people who can dance. I can't.
4. I miss my parents. Every day.
5. I like doing laundry and hate to go grocery shopping
6. My job is wearing me out--mentally and physically
7. I take great joy in small pleasures. Sitting on my porch sharing a bottle of wine with my husband, while the dog sleeps by my feet. Watching the birds on the bird feeder. The munching, rustling sounds of the horses in their stalls.
8. I am the kind of friend who will drive you to stake out the house of the girlfriend of your cheating husband--and make you laugh the whole time.
9. I curse like a longshoreman in certain circumstances.
10. I come from a very funny family--there are always a lot of laughs when I get together with my siblings. Or maybe it's just that we are easily amused. Or maybe my dad was right and we're "simple" LOL
Bonus one -- I love to read and am always reading something. I will never be without a book
32/365 Warning! Too many names to remember!
Working a bit on the family tree again. This is a photocopy of a handwritten tree that I did with my dad a long time ago. I have to reference it when working on Ancestry.com to keep things straight because of having so many relatives with the same names. I managed to connect again with someone there that is distantly related, not to me, but to my cousin. I was able to get them together to share notes and photos. It's a cool thing.
My friend has two swans and they put a home-made bubbler in their pond to keep the water from freezing. I love taking pictures of them.