I am officially on vacation but feeling a little down in the dumps. Today is my dad's birthday and four days from now is the anniversary of my mom's death. My birthday is right in the middle but I never feel much like celebrating it anymore. I think it's the winter too, and the promise of spring all conspiring against me. I am hoping to counteract some of the sadness by having a sisters weekend. My two sisters, Katie and Sheila and my "sister of the heart" Jackie, have been talking about doing this for a while. Katie's best friend from college tried to arrange it at her place last year but we could never coordinate. So this year we are having it here at the farm. I just need to get everyone up here before the weather gets too bad. Jackie had to cancel at the last minute, but she may come up one of the other weekends. Let's just hope these girls keep me laughing!

Hugs, dear and, I hope that your sisters weekend comes together, and that you all have a fine old time.