Casper, Boomer and I are alone in the blizzard. We have everything that we need, and I have been on the tractor 3 times today since it is easier on the snowblower to not have to do a lot at once. I'm debating about going out again later and doing it once more before morning, but I'm not sure I want to.
Casper has been limping today, I think she may have tried to jump up on the bed when I was outside and it's much higher than ours. She keeps barking and I go to look to see if she has to go out and instead of standing in front of a door to go out, she is standing in front of one of three sofas, needing some assistance in getting up. This is her in a deep sleep on the futon. She didn't even wake up when I took the picture. I hoisted her up there. I'm just her little servant.

I wish I could sleep like that. You're getting it harder than we are, though it has picked up in the last half hour or so. Like you, I'm all stocked up on food and water, and very glad that I don't have to go out tomorrow.