Today was a first for the year. Butch and I use our
sun porch a lot in the nice weather and today was our first dinner on the porch. Our favorite thing to do is
not to cook sometimes, so we make a up a platter with cheese, crackers, pepperoni, chips, raw veggies, dip, olives, pickles--whatever is in the fridge or cupboards and open a bottle of wine to go with it. We pop the
iTouch into the portable Bose speakers and spend an hour or so eating, talking, listening to music and watching the birds. Casper joins us and entertains us by offering up behavior that usually garners a treat. (She will sit on her haunches and offer up a double high-five until you give her something. We keep a small container of training sized treats just for that purpose.) I enjoyed myself enough that I forgot for a moment that I have to go to work tomorrow.
This little item is actually a very festive little wine glass coaster in the shape of a flip-flop. It slips onto the base of the wine glass and is one of those cutesy little ways of distinguishing your glass from someone e
lse's. Personally I just take the one that has the most wine left in it. ;-) Happy weekend people!