The birds are taunting me. I'm sitting at my kitchen table and watching the birds on my feeder. Tufted Titmouse, Chickadee, Downy Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Red Bellied Woodpecker, Cardinal, Goldfinch, Nuthatch. I cannot take pictures with my little camera because of the autofocus--there are screens in the window and I can never get it to focus without seeing the screen. But if I go sit on the sunporch where I could take a picture, the birds don't come. I get cold, go inside and the feeder is covered with birds again. So I'm posting a picture of a book I am about to start because it has a nice Blue Jay on the cover.

I just took a picture of a cardinal sitting on top of the wrought iron stand of one of my feeders. I thought it would be a beautiful shot, but, because I'm so far away, even with the highest zoom, it just doesn't look right. Maybe I should get a telescopic lens for the thing.