We went to dinner last night and I just wasn't up to getting back on-line so I'm doing a twofer today. It's early AM now and I have been listening to and watching the birds at my feeders. Tons of Goldfinches, the Cardinal pair who must have a nest nearby, two Carolina Wrens who seemed to be having an argument, there was much fluffing and tail fanning going on, two grey squirrels chasing each other, an occasional Chickadee or tufted Titmouse and a Hairy Woodpecker. So far.

I just ordered some new plants for my shade garden, including a couple of Hellebore, a Helicopter Hosta Pathfinder, and a Lady's Slipper. That I could get the last surprised the heck out of me, so I snapped it up. It was on sale, even, at Spring Hill Nursery. Now, if I could only remember where I saw the Trillium and the Jack in the Pulpits offered.