It's going to be one of those days where the 365 picture isn't much. I even used this one for two groups. >sigh< Just not feeling it today.
Yesterday my boss had a fight with her girlfriend and I happened to be the first person to talk to her after it and she blew up at me and once again said hurtful things and was raising her voice at me and even when I asked her to stop she didn't and I finally just walked away from her. I went to the postmaster and he is no help whatsoever, but it did let him know where she was when he was paging her. (On the phone fighting with the GF.) Today, she tried to act like nothing happened, like everything was hunky-dory. I put my iPod on and left it there all day, only speaking to her when it was needed, just doing my job. I'm tired of her crap, and I know that she appreciates me but when she blows up like this, she says things that make me feel like she doesn't really like me, that she's only nice because she needs me. I am very good at my job and she knows that she needs me more than I need her. (We have two new employees who came from another office recently and one of them asked me why it is that I can do the manual letters all by myself, but that on my day off it takes 3 people. I told him to ask HER.)
The only good thing today was, I heard the PM page her. Then page her again. Then again. I ran into him later and he told me that he found her out in the lobby with her girlfriend. (You can't hear the intercom out there.) I'm glad he was paying attention--he even called her cell phone before going out there. I'm glad she got caught.
It was sort of insult to injury to get my 25 year pin today. My boss made me feel like shit yet I get a big thank you today for all my years of hard work. Right.

So I did what always makes me feel better, I went to the bookstore on my lunch hour, with a 40% off coupon and bought a book. After work I went to the farm, to meet the new young fellow who was going to trim Maddie. His mom, who also trims, was just diagnosed with uterine cancer, so she sent her son in her stead. He was quiet and gentle and did a good job. My heart goes out to her, but they seem to have caught it early. (stage 1) So I'm just feeling at loose ends today and not motivated to do much of anything. I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon finishing my book and go to bed early. Tomorrow is Friday!
I don't suppose that there is any way that you can retire earlier, is there? Work environments like that can be downright poisonous. But, if your boss keeps fighting with her girlfriend, and bringing it to work, maybe you will get a new boss, and things will improve.
ReplyDeleteShe is applying for a postmasters position in a small office, but I don't think she'll get it. I am eligible to retire in Feb, but for every year before 60 that I retire, I lose 5%. Since I only get 25% of my high three years as it is, unless they drop that penalty, I'm sort of stuck.