I was going to bitch about my job, but I won't, well maybe a little. It's complicated and stupid and I had a big fight with my supervisor and she said some really hurtful things and told some out and out lies. She doesn't know that one of my co-workers called and complained to me about 6 times while I was off those two weeks and told me everything that was going on. Several other people told me things when I came back. When I told the Postmaster what she said about how things went last week his response was "Bullshit". I do think she knows she went too far because by the time we were done, she was being really nice to me. But you can't ever unring those bells once you start them pealing. There was a comical point when she almost called me by her girlfriend's name. She's been fighting with her girlfriend the last couple of days and I almost blurted out that she was probably wrong in that fight too. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

I had a big brownie and a glass of milk with my friends later.
ReplyDeleteWish I could think of something profound, but, you know me, I'll think of it two weeks from now.
well personally I would have had a glass of red wine with that brownie
ReplyDeleteSorry for your cruddy situation
do you REALLY need this job???
I NEED to work another year to get the retirement I deserve--I will probably be seeing the retirement guru sometime soon to see when I can retire without penalties. I have been there for 25 years and I am 55. It isn't worth the financial loss to do it this close to eligibility.