I'm a notorious procrastinator. Can I really stick to the project? Can I post one photo a day for 365 days? The pressure is almost unbearable.

(I DID IT! I stuck to the original project and in 2010 I took two photographs every day, for two different groups! I'm going to continue to add 365 photos per year to this blog, but they probably will not be taken on consecutive days. That is too much to ask...)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

23/365 Warning! Good times ahead!

We always have a yearly get together around the time of my parents anniversary since it's easier than trying to plan it during the Christmas season. We always go out so no one has to deal with the cooking and cleanup. All siblings were there and some of the next generation and my niece brought her new baby, so there were three generations represented. My Aunt Jess died this past week, so it was bittersweet. She was pretty much the last of that generation, so now, my siblings and I and our cousins are now the "older" generation. We still manage to have a darn good time for a bunch of old farts. (And thanks to modern technology, we managed to have a video conversation with my older brother's youngest son who is in Utah by passing an iPhone around the table.)

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