I'm a notorious procrastinator. Can I really stick to the project? Can I post one photo a day for 365 days? The pressure is almost unbearable.

(I DID IT! I stuck to the original project and in 2010 I took two photographs every day, for two different groups! I'm going to continue to add 365 photos per year to this blog, but they probably will not be taken on consecutive days. That is too much to ask...)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

felted creations

felted creations, originally uploaded by phlegmmy.

We went to a fiber festival today. It was a fundraiser for a local theater. I didn't find any yarn for myself, but it was fun and colorful!


  1. hot pot trivets?

    with the rain and cold season, time for indoor crafty things

  2. Bigger--more like small rugs. The funny thing it was inside but in an unheated building. The vendors inside were colder than the ones outside in the sun. But it made you want to fondle all of the stuff more. :-)
