I'm a notorious procrastinator. Can I really stick to the project? Can I post one photo a day for 365 days? The pressure is almost unbearable.

(I DID IT! I stuck to the original project and in 2010 I took two photographs every day, for two different groups! I'm going to continue to add 365 photos per year to this blog, but they probably will not be taken on consecutive days. That is too much to ask...)

Sunday, March 7, 2010


One of my bull terrier friends gave me an idea. She said that maybe I should send Diesel & Feezle to her in Thailand. Diesel & Feezle have to make appearences for a year on my flickr page, but after that--wouldn't that be fun!?! My bull terrier friends and horse friends live around the world. D&F could travel around the globe, and have photos taken everywhere. I think it's a smashing idea. This was the photo that inspired her comment.

(I could also "clone" them via the woman who made them and start the ball rolling sooner...)


  1. cloning is never the same

    I would be honored to take the little dudes on an adventure

  2. There were two reasons to consider cloning. I could start them on their journey sooner. And god forbid the originals get lost in the mail somewhere. Can you imagine? I would be heartbroken. Whatever way I do it, the will be on their way to the west coast to see you Marti. Maybe I should just send one of the others. Rhiney might like to take a journey and send postcards back to the 'Bobs...
